Zone of the Enders HD, rivelata la lista degli obiettivi

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Konami ha diffuso la lista degli obiettivi sbloccabili di Zone of the Enders HD, la collection che comprende i primi due episodi di ZOE in alta definizione HD. Gli obiettivi ovviamente si riferiscono alla versione Xbox 360 del gioco, ma il titolo sarà disponibile anche su PlayStation 3 e PSVita.

Elite Frame Runner
Collected all ZoE achievements

Achieved an Overall Evaluation grade of A

Achieved an Overall Evaluation grade of B

KO Neith
Won your first encounter against Neith

Homecoming King
Defeated Tempest

The Bigger They Are
Defeated Tyrant

Defeated Nebula

You Again?!
Won your second encounter against Neith

Third Time’s the Charm
Defeat Zombie Neith

Survived the battle with Anubis

Power Down
Destroyed the Power Facilites in EPS1 & EPS2

Got ADA back online using the Vaccine

Learn Gooder
Completed all of the in-game tutorials

Weapon Finder
Found 5 sub-weapon drivers

Gun Runner
Found all 10 sub-weapon drivers

The Seeker
Found 7 passcodes

Found all 14 passcodes

Silent Assassin
Took out the EPS relay block before eliminating any enemies

Unhealthy Behavior
Defeated 10 enemies when under the influence of the Virus

Benedict Arnold
Defeated 10 enemies while controlling the Raptor

Porter Pounder
Destroyed 40 Porters

Bomb Squad
Disarmed all the bombs in HUB 1 correctly

Good Samaritan
Achieved an A Rank in a Rescue Mission

Damage Control
Earned an A Rank in all 5 rescue missions

Unlocked Zombie Neith by unlocking all of the Orbital Frames in Versus Mode

Desperately Seeking Dingo
Collected all ZoE 2 achievements

The Egret Has Landed
Beat the game with a ranking of S

Ace of Frames
Beat the game with a ranking of A

Hop In
Acquired Jehuty

Put Her Makeup On
Acquired Jehuty Ver. 2

Beginner’s Luck
Defeated Ardjet

Stick Around
Won your first encounter against the Viola AI

Hello Old Friend
Defeated Vic Viper (Leo)

Defeated the Viola AI for the final time

Defeated Inhert

Taking You Down
Defeated Zakat

It’s Over
Defeated Anubis

It’s Over… For Real!
Defeated Aumaan Anubis

Sure Lock
Found Taper in less than 4 guesses

Flash Knock Out
After the initial Vic Viper battle, defeated all of the Naritas in under 90 seconds

Defeated the train in less than 5 minutes

Crushing Victory
Defeated an enemy by using the shafts at Fort City

Quick Draw
Defeated the 5 BAHRAM Battleships in less than 6 minutes

The Good Rescuer
Earned a Ranking of SS at Vascilia Battle

The Great Rescuer
Earned a Ranking of SS at Aumaan Crevasse

Digital Dojo
Completed all of the in-game tutorials

nEXt Mission
Found all 20 Ex-Missions

Retro Runner
Cleared Zoradius

Frame Collector
Unlocked all the frames

Is It Hot In Here?
Revealed Ken’s alternate outfit

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